University of Saskatchewan offers new scholarships in honour of Transgender Awareness Week

SASKATOON - In conjunction with the start of Transgender Awareness Week, the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) is pleased to announce the establishment of two new scholarships for the 2015-16 academic year.

By Kris Foster
The University of Saskatchewan Transgender Student Award and Two-Spirit Student Award are $2,500 bursaries that will be offered annually to students who self-declare their status as transgender or two-spirit persons and/or are doing undergraduate research into transgender or two-spirit issues.

The new awards, the first of this type at the U of S, are part of the university's commitment to an inclusive and positive work and learning environment for everyone, including those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer or two-spirit, as well as diversity as it relates to racial identities, religious beliefs, ethnic backgrounds and political views.

"I believe our campus community is even more accepting now than it has ever been in terms of differences in religion, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation," said University of Saskatchewan Interim President Gordon Barnhart. "Where there are areas that need more work, the U of S will do its part to ensure we have a safe and inclusive environment for everyone." Barnhart announced the scholarships today at a flag-raising event held to mark the start of Transgender Awareness Week.

The awards will be based upon financial need and a statement of community involvement and volunteerism. Students will be able to apply beginning this summer, with an Oct. 1 deadline.


 For more information, contact:

Meghan Sired

Communication Coordinator

Student and Enrolment Services

306-966-6068 (work)

306-381-7992 (cell)