VIDO-InterVac celebrates 40 years at the U of S

SASKATOON - Media are invited to an informal celebration at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac) at the University of Saskatchewan today to celebrate 40 years of world-leading vaccine research and development.

By James Shewaga
A reception will be followed by a brief program and networking. The program will feature the Honourable Ken Cheveldayoff, MLA for Saskatoon Silver Springs and House Leader for the Government of Saskatchewan, His Worship Don Atchison, Mayor of Saskatoon, and VIDO-InterVac Director and CEO Andrew Potter.

Friday, Nov. 6, 2015
Reception and media availability begins at 2:30 pm
Program begins at 3 pm
20 Veterinary Road
University of Saskatchewan


For more information, contact:
Paul Hodgson
Associate Director - Business Development
University of Saskatchewan