Canadian astronaut coming to the U of S

SASKATOON - Canadian Space Agency (CSA) astronaut David Saint-Jacques will be at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) to give two presentations on Tuesday, Feb. 9. While the presentations are not open to the general public, media are welcome to attend both events:

Presentation to students in Grades 6-8
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1:30 pm
Arts 241 (Neatby-Timlin Theatre)
9 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan

Presentation to University of Saskatchewan students
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 7 pm
Graduate Students' Association Commons
Emmanuel & St. Chad
1337 College Drive
University of Saskatchewan

Prior to becoming a CSA astronaut, David Saint-Jacques worked as an engineer, astrophysicist and as a medical doctor in Puvirnituq, an Arctic village on Hudson Bay. In preparation for a space mission, this modern-day explorer's training has included the examination of alien caves, living 20 metres below the sea surface for days, working at NASA's Mission Control Center and learning to speak Russian. Saint-Jacques will take students on the challenging yet inspirational journey that led him to becoming a Canadian astronaut as he describes his training and work, Canadian robotics and life on the International Space Station. He will also share his insights on the future of space exploration.

The afternoon presentation is being hosted by the College of Arts and Science's Director of Science Outreach, with Saint-Jacques available for media interviews following the event. The evening presentation is being hosted by the University of Saskatchewan Space Design Team (USST).


For more information, contact:
Kirk Sibbald
Communications Officer
College of Arts and Science
University of Saskatchewan