Engineering and scientific showcase set for U of S

SASKATOON - Media are invited to check out the latest in scientific innovations at Cameco Spectrum 2016, beginning Thursday at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S).

Jan. 14-17, 2016
9 am to 6 pm daily
Engineering Building
57 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan

Spectrum 2016 features engineering and scientific innovations showcased through interactive exhibits, workshops, keynote speakers and demonstrations. It is an historic event for the U of S College of Engineering, first held in 1930 as "The Engineering Show" and is fully organized by engineering students. It only comes around once every three years and has grown into an exhibition of engineering and science that welcomes close to 10,000 people to the college.

A few highlights of Cameco Spectrum 2016: Beakerhead, a smash-up of art, science and engineering; Jay Ingram on the fascination of space exploration; Kilobots, a combat robot tournament; and the opportunity to operate the University of Saskatchewan Space Design Team's 2015 international-award winning Mars rover.

Complete details are available here:


For more information, contact:

Lauren Shyluk
Spectrum Public Relations Executive
Cell: 306-380-1031

Kate Blau
Communications Officer
College of Engineering
University of Saskatchewan
Office: 306-966-7924