Federal funding to support major research appointment at U of S

SASKATOON – Members of the media are invited to attend a significant research announcement featuring the Government of Canada and the University of Saskatchewan (U of S). Ralph Goodale, Canada’s Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, on behalf of Canada’s Science Minister Kirsty Duncan, will announce the newest Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) during an official ceremony at the U of S.

The CERC Program attracts some of the most talented and innovative researchers from around the world and helps to further Canada’s growing reputation as a leader in research, higher learning, and science and technology development.


Thursday, September 15, 2016

10 am

Ag Atrium, Agriculture Building

51 Campus Drive

University of Saskatchewan


A tour of a U of S research facility will follow the formal announcement.


Available for interviews:

  • Honourable Ralph Goodale, Canada’s Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
  • University of Saskatchewan President Peter Stoicheff
  • Representatives from federal agencies and U of S research centres
  • New U of S Canada Excellence Research Chair


Note to media: Video footage of the new research chair will be available upon request following the announcement.



For more information, contact:

Jennifer Thoma

Media Relations Specialist

University of Saskatchewan

306-966-1851 (office)

306-270-4513 (cell)
