Parents on Campus group to hold town hall at U of S

SASKATOON - Members of the media are invited to attend a University of Saskatchewan (U of S) student-organized town hall meeting to provide student, staff and faculty parents with a platform to raise their concerns regarding the challenges they face and to work towards solutions that are effective and inclusive.

By University Communications

Monday, April 11, 7 pm

Louis' Loft (2nd floor of Memorial Union Building)

93 Campus Drive

Student parents will share their experiences, followed by short presentations from a community expert and a professor from the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. An open discussion will follow. Administration, student service staff, college deans and all students have been invited to attend. The event is presented by the Parents on Campus group, the U of S Comfort Room, the USSU Women's Centre and the Peer Health Mentors.

Available for interviews:
Kayla Madder, Student Coordinator of the U of S Comfort Room
Rita Hanoski; Health Education and Promotion Coordinator
Student parents who will be presenting


For more information contact:
Kayla Madder
Parent/MSc Candidate/Staff Member
University of Saskatchewan

Rita Hanoski
Health Education and Promotion
Student Health Services
University of Saskatchewan