Puppies and puzzles help U of S students stress less

SASKATOON — From therapy dogs and massages to puzzles, games and snacks, the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) is offering a series of activities to support students as they enter exam season.

According to event organizers, helping students learn about positive ways to cope with stress during life's most demanding times, like attending university, is helpful now and later on in life. Taking breaks and having some fun can help students meet their academic demands.

With exams beginning in most colleges on Saturday, a number of Stress Less events begin today on campus and are planned for the coming weeks, including the always-popular St. John Ambulance therapy dogs offering calming canine companionship for U of S students.

Media are welcome to check out the activities, with staff available for interviews, on request:


April 11 and 13, noon-2 pm
Murray Library
Students can de-stress by visiting one of the therapy dogs and their handlers.


April 6-8, noon-3 pm
Place Riel Student Centre North Concourse
Free massages are provided to students by the Professional Institute of Massage Therapy. Sobeys' Wellbeing Counsellor will be at the event, and students can take part in social recreation activities at noon with the Canadian Mental Health Association. The event is hosted by the university's Student Health Services.


April 8-29
University Library (universities across campus)
Snacks are available at all libraries from April 8 to 29, and alumni volunteers in Engineering, Health Sciences and Murray libraries will hand out snacks and provide words of support and encouragement to anyone who needs some. Taking breaks for a few minutes between studying is important, so libraries, except for Law and Vet Med, will have games, puzzles, modelling clay and drawing material available for everyone.


April 11, 3:30 pm
St. Thomas More Chapel
Free drop-in mindfulness meditation sessions for students.
(Media are not able to attend the class, but can speak with an organizer about the benefits of meditation.)


April 8, 12:30 pm
Place Riel Student Centre North Concourse
The Usask Improv group will put on a free 30-minute show to help ease exam tensions.


April 6-29
Murray Library, ground floor
During Safe Study, the ground floor of the Murray Library is open after the rest of the library closes for student study space.  The Safe Study program is a partnership between the USSU and the Murray Library and is available to students of all colleges.


For more information, contact:
Meghan Sired
Communications Co-ordinator
University of Saskatchewan
306-966-6068 (office)
306-381-7992 (cell)