Susan Aglukark to deliver lecture at U of S

SASKATOON - Media members are invited to attend a lecture by Inuit performing artist Susan Aglukark at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S).

Wednesday, March 9, 7:30 pm
Convocation Hall, Peter MacKinnon Building
105 Administration Place
University of Saskatchewan

This presentation, titled Nomad, provides a glimpse into the resilience of the Canadian Inuit people who, for 1,000 years, have maintained a quiet dignity despite near annihilation by disease and rapid change. Song and multimedia capture significant moments in Inuit history and in Aglukark's own career.

Aglukark, a Juno Award-winning musician and northern advocate, holds the U of S College of Arts and Science's Aboriginal Fellowship in Creativity. During her time on campus, she has taught music and performed at several events. Aglukark will be available for media interviews Monday afternoon and Tuesday afternoon.

The lecture is part of the 2015/16 Fine Arts Lecture Series in Music.


For more information, contact:
Chris Putnam
Communications Officer
College of Arts and Science
University of Saskatchewan