Tuesday at U of S Spring Convocation

SASKATOON - The University of Saskatchewan (U of S) invites members of the media to attend tomorrow's Spring Convocation ceremonies:

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

TCU Place

35 22nd Street East


Tuesday, May 31—9 am

Graduating: Arts and Science, Distance Education Unit (Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education), University Language Centre (English for Academic Purposes and Graduate Pathways Certificate), Graduate Professional Skills Certificate, School of Public Health

Award for Distinction in Outreach and Public Service: Joseph Garcea

For nearly three decades, Joseph Garcea has contributed in a substantial and laudable manner to the university's outreach mission. A trusted source of professional opinion and information on governance and political matters, Garcea's opinion is regularly sought and he has given over 500 interviews and commentaries to local and national television, radio, and print media. He has been instrumental in the development of the Political Studies' Career Internship Program, which has provided many Aboriginal, non-Aboriginal, and international students an opportunity to work with governmental or community based agencies across Saskatchewan.

Student story of interest: Katya Khartova

Born in the Ukraine, Katya Khartova came to Canada in 2007 and has quickly become a singing sensation at the U of S. The winner of back-to-back provincial music festival competitions, Khartova earned the highest grade (88 per cent) earned in vocal studies in the past six years at the U of S. Her rapid development will be on full display next year when she serves as the featured soprano soloist in the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra's production of The Golden Harvest, which celebrates the 125th anniversary of immigration of Ukrainians to Canada. Graduating with a Bachelor of Music, Khartova will be available for media interviews following Tuesday morning's convocation ceremony.

Tuesday, May 31—2 pm

Graduating: Arts and Science, School of Environment and Sustainability, Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy

 Honorary Doctor of Science: W. Eric L. Grimson

Eric Grimson, a 63-year-old Estevan native who has spent more than 30 years teaching at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is one of the province's foremost experts in computer science and artificial intelligence. He has taught more than 11,000 MIT undergraduates over the past three decades and has instructed nearly a million students worldwide through online courses. He is internationally recognized for his work, particularly in the field of medical image analysis used in the treatment of Alzheimer's and schizophrenia and computer-guided surgery.

Master Teacher Award: Hugo Cota-Sanchez

The Master Techer Award is the highest teaching award of the university.

Since joining the Department of Biology in 2000, Hugo Cota-Sanchez has earned a reputation as one of the University of Saskatchewan's most esteemed teacher-scholars. Although many of the concepts he teaches are highly technical, Dr. Cota-Sanchez employs interactive and engaging teaching methods to make the subject matter less intimidating. His ability to connect with students, and belief that teachers must consistently assess and adjust their teaching methods, makes him one of the most popular educators among students at the U of S.

Student story of interest: Michelle Martin

Thirty years after finishing high school, Michelle Martin will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in sociology from the U of S. Born of Métis heritage, Martin's walk across the stage at TCU Place to accept her degree will be even more special, considering doctors told her just a few years ago that she might never walk again after being put on permanent disability due to multiple sclerosis. But Martin, who raised two children as a single mother, worked hard to get back to full health, to get out of the wheelchair and stand on her own two feet again. Martin, who graduated with the highest mark (95 per cent) in her Sociology 347 class, will be available for media interviews following Tuesday afternoon's convocation ceremony.

To media who plan to attend convocation:

    • Photographers may take photos from anywhere—except on the stage once the ceremonies begin.

    • Reserved space for media is located on the second floor to the left of the stage (all other seats are reserved for the graduating students and their guests).

    • The route graduates use as they proceed to the stage must be kept clear.


 For more information, contact:
Jennifer Thoma
Media Relations Specialist
University of Saskatchewan