U of S and Government of Canada to announce major infrastructure funding

SASKATOON – Media are invited to attend a special announcement by the University of Saskatchewan (U of S), the Government of Canada, and the Government of Saskatchewan. Five infrastructure projects will be announced at the event, featuring the Honourable Ralph Goodale, the Honourable Scott Moe, and U of S President Peter Stoicheff. 

By University Communications

Friday, August 19, 2016

1:30 pm

North Concourse, Place Riel Student Centre

1 Campus Drive

University of Saskatchewan


Available for interviews:

Honourable Ralph Goodale, Canada’s Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

● Honourable Scott Moe, Saskatchewan’s Minister of Advanced Education

● University of Saskatchewan President Peter Stoicheff





For more information, contact:

Jennifer Thoma

Media Relations Specialist

University of Saskatchewan

306-966-1851 (office)

306-270-4513 (cell)
