U of S and USSU to cement partnership on campus sustainability initiatives

SASKATOON-The University of Saskatchewan (U of S) and the University of Saskatchewan Students' Union (USSU) invite members of the media to attend an event celebrating a shared commitment to sustainability on campus between students and the President’s Office.

Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2016

1 pm

North Concourse, Upper Place Riel

1 Campus Drive

University of Saskatchewan


To formally acknowledge their partnership and a commitment to sustainability as a campus priority, members of the USSU and U of S President Peter Stoicheff will sign an official memorandum of understanding and outline planned initiatives that will move the university towards its sustainability goals.

Available for interviews:

  • University of Saskatchewan President Peter Stoicheff
  • USSU Vice-President Student Affairs, Renata Huyghebaert 
  • Sustainability Co-ordinator, Margret Asmuss 




For more information, contact:

Jennifer Thoma

Media Relations Specialist

University of Saskatchewan

306-966-1851 (office)

306-270-4513 (cell)



Jason Ventnor

Communications and Marketing Manager

University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union

