U of S announces 2016 Images of Research winners

From the mountainous landscapes of Greenland to the intricate depths of a mouse brain, University of Saskatchewan (U of S) researchers have been showing the world that knowledge is beautiful.

The U of S launched its second annual Images of Research competition this spring to showcase the diverse research taking place on campus and beyond. U of S students, staff, faculty and alumni were invited to submit visual depictions and brief descriptions of their research, scholarly or artistic work.

Organized by the Office of the Vice-President Research, this year's competition followed on the success of last year's inaugural competition—the first university-wide research images contest in Canada.

"U of S faculty and student researchers encounter beautiful images every day during the course of their wide-ranging work," said Vice-President Research Karen Chad. "We are excited to see them sharing some of those amazing sights with the world and providing a captivating new perspective on our research, scholarly and artistic work."

Nearly 100 submissions were received this year, ranging from traditional photographs to abstract images generated by devices such as the Canadian Light Source synchrotron. Multidisciplinary judging panels selected winning entries in five categories along with one grand prize image. Two viewers' choice prizes were chosen by members of the public.

"Deep Hanging Out," a photograph by anthropology master's student Rachel Phillips Hall, was awarded the competition's grand prize. The photo captures a moment in the daily lives of a mother and daughter in southern Belize, where Hall studies the contributions of individual and social factors to the health and well-being of Maya communities.

More than 5,000 viewers from over 40 countries visited the online image gallery and took part in the public vote. The top viewers' choice prize went to "Colours of Chemistry," a photograph by chemistry PhD student Hriday Bhattacharjee that shows a vivid arrangement of chemical compounds.

To view all of the winning 2016 Images of Research, visit http://research.usask.ca/images-of-research.php.

The winning submissions in each category were as follows:

Grand prize

"Deep Hanging Out" by Rachel Phillips Hall (College of Arts and Science)


From the Field

1st place: "Not Your Average Gopher" by Colleen Crill (College of Arts and Science)

2nd place: "Pulling Your Weight" by Jordan Mihalicz (School of Environment and Sustainability)


 More than Meets the Eye

 1st place: "Capturing Memories" by Veronica Finkas (College of Arts and Science)
2nd place: "
A Mother's First Embrace" by Jonathan Pasternak (VIDO-InterVac)


 Community and Impact

1st place: "A horse's eye view" by Amber-Lynn Backwell (Western College of Veterinary Medicine)
2nd place:
"From Racial to Religious Discrimination" by Momina Khan (College of Education)


Research in Action

1st place: "The Auroral Radar" by Ashton Reimer (College of Arts and Science)

2nd place: "Just Scratching the Surface" by Kay Jollymore (College of Arts and Science)


Viewers' Choice

 1st place: "Colours of Chemistry" by Hriday Bhattacharjee (College of Arts and Science)

2nd place: "The Germinator!" by Awang Hazmi Awang Junaidi (Western College of Veterinary Medicine)


Best Description

 1st place: "One point nine billion years in the making" by Camille Partin (College of Arts and Science)
2nd place: "Rising Tide in Bear Country" by Michael Cuggy (College of Arts and Science)



For more information, contact:

Chris Putnam

Communications Officer

Office of the Vice-President Research

University of Saskatchewan

