U of S celebrates new avian science facility with Goodale visit

SASKATOON - Media are invited to a sneak peek of the new Facility for Applied Avian Research (FAAR), one of only two such facilities in Canada.

The tour will kick-off with a special event featuring the Honourable Ralph Goodale and University of Saskatchewan President Peter Stoicheff celebrating the 57 U of S scientists and students who received more than $10 million from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) in the latest grant competition.

Wednesday, Aug. 10, 11:30 am
(tour to follow immediately after the program)

Main Foyer, first floor
Western College of Veterinary Medicine
52 Campus Drive

University of Saskatchewan

FAAR covers close to 350 square metres, with six indoor bird rooms and 12 outdoor enclosures. It is capable of holding a large variety of bird species and is the only facility of its kind in Western Canada dedicated to the study of avian wildlife ecotoxicology and bird health.

Available for interviews:

  • Honourable Ralph Goodale, minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
  • University of Saskatchewan President Peter Stoicheff
  • Christy Morrissey, director of the Facility for Applied Avian Research and a wildlife ecotoxologist


For more information, contact:

Jennifer Thoma
Media Relations Specialist
University of Saskatchewan
306-966-1851 (office)
306-270-4513 (cell)