U of S Chancellor agrees to extend his term into the fall

SASKATOON - Blaine Favel, whose three-year term as chancellor of the University ofSaskatchewan (U of S) ends June 30, has agreed to stay on in the role until a new chancellor is named, likely at the end of October.

"We are delighted that Chancellor Favel, who has played a key role in enhancing our reputation as a national leader in post-secondary education for Indigenous peoples, has agreed to stay on while the nomination process is underway to identify the university's 15th chancellor," said U of S board chair Greg Smith.

Favel is the first Aboriginal chancellor in the U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities. Duties of the U of S chancellor include presiding over university convocation ceremonies, conferring degrees, chairing University Senate and serving as an ex-officio member of the Board of Governors.

Last fall, Favel and U of S President Peter Stoicheff co-hosted a national forum "Building Reconciliation: Universities Answering the TRC's Calls to Action" that attracted 200 participants including Canadian university presidents and their leadership teams, First Nations and Métis leaders, scholars and student leaders.

"Over the past three years, Chancellor Favel has supported and guided the university in strengthening our connections with Indigenous communities and leaders, both provincially and federally, and in helping advance our efforts to build reconciliation and close the education gap," said Stoicheff. "The groundwork is now laid for the university to become the best place it can possibly be for Indigenous students and their communities."

Stoicheff said the university looks forward to continuing its relationship with Favel after he steps down as chancellor and to his contributions to the university's ongoing efforts to advance Indigenous education initiatives and ensure Aboriginal student success.

"It has been a great honour to serve as chancellor of the U of S and to advocate for this world-class institution which is blessed with extraordinary scholars, students and administrators," said Favel. "It has been an inspiration to me that the U of S is making such a difference both here in Saskatchewan, as well as on the national and global stage. I am particularly pleased that I have been able to participate in shaping what Indigenous success will look like, and grateful that it will remain a priority of the president, the board and the academy."

Favel, former Grand Chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians, holds an education degree from U of S, a law degree from Queen's University, and a master's of business administration from the Harvard Graduate School of Business, as well as an honorary doctor of laws from the U of S. He served in Ottawa as international trade counsellor on international Indigenous issues, and was president and CEO of a Calgary-based oil and gas company. He served as a special advisor to former Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine and as a panelist on the national Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The deadline for nominations for the position of chancellor is July 15. The nomination committee will take forward a recommendation to the Oct. 15 meeting of University Senate.



For more information, contact:

Jennifer Thoma

Media Relations Specialist

University of Saskatchewan

