U of S experts and everything you need to know about Halloween 2016

We are scaring up experts and story ideas just in time for Halloween

Halloween is tonight and the University of Saskatchewan has faculty members who can add expertise to your holiday stories.

Kids I ate your candy: Halloween can be a time of indulgence and Gordon Zello, a professor in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, can offer a few ideas and tips for parents on how to handle the oodles of candy their kids bring home tonight. Jennifer.thoma@usask.ca or 306-966-1851.

Candy is big business: Canadian consumers are spending big money on Halloween. In Oct. 2015, monthly sales of candy and snack foods totaled $419 million across the country. Stormy Williams, a professor in the Edwards School of Business, explains what has become the culture of Halloween. 306-966-8423 or david.williams@usask.ca

Magic, demons, witches: Professor Frank Klassen can address society’s interest in the supernatural, as well as magic, possession and witchcraft as they relate to religion. jennifer.thoma@usask.ca or 306-966-1851.

The trick to working off those treats: Want to know how many burpees are needed to burn off those mini chocolate bars you just ate? Jason Weber, co-ordinator of the Human Performance Center in the College of Kinesiology, has some suggestions on exercises that might make you think twice about how many bite-size treats you consume. jason.weber@usask.ca


For more information, contact:

Jennifer Thoma

Media Relations Specialist

University of Saskatchewan

