U of S hosting panel on provincial renewable energy options

SASKATOON - Media are invited to attend a panel discussion at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) on the challenges and opportunities for implementing renewable energy as Saskatchewan moves towards a low-carbon future.

Friday, Jan. 15, 1:30 - 3 pm
Diefenbaker Canada Centre, Prairie Room
101 Diefenbaker Place
University of Saskatchewan

Included on the panel (and available for interviews):

Mike Balfour, director of energy economics, Ministry of the Economy of Saskatchewan

 Mark Bigland-Pritchard, director of Low Energy Designs and organizer at Climate Justice Saskatoon

 Brett Dolter, postdoctoral fellow, Institute of the Environment, University of Ottawa

 Kevin Hudson, manager of metering and sustainable electricity, Saskatoon Light and Power

 Ian Loughran, vice-president of projects and business development, First Nations Power Authority

 Doug Opseth, director of supply planning and integration, SaskPower

The panel discussion will be moderated by Jeremy Rayner, director of the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, and will feature topics such as attainable renewable energy goals, First Nations transitions to renewable resources, the potential for a carbon-free electrical system in Saskatchewan and necessary steps for meeting the 1.5-degree warming target outlined in the recent Paris Climate Accord.


For more information, contact:
Meagan Hinther
Communications Specialist
University of Saskatchewan
Office: 306-966-1019
Cell: 306-222-2296