U of S hosts lieutenant governor of Saskatchewan to open exhibit

The Diefenbaker Canada Centre (DCC) at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) is officially opening Sisters United: Women’s Suffrage in Saskatchewan, an in-house produced exhibit. Sisters United commemorates the centennial of women winning the right to vote in Saskatchewan in 1916. In recognition of Women’s History Month in October, the exhibit highlights the significant contribution made by those who laid the foundation for women’s rights in Saskatchewan.

Sisters United features the stories of local suffragists, their struggles and successes, and how they advocate for political representation.

Sunday, Oct. 2, 2016
2 pm

Lobby, Diefenbaker Building
101 Diefenbaker Place
University of Saskatchewan

The program will include remarks from the Honourable Vaughn Solomon Schofield, lieutenant governor of Saskatchewan; Patti McDougall, vice-provost, teaching and learning, U of S; and Lesley Biggs, associate professor, women’s and gender studies, U of S.

Media are advised to arrive by 1:50 pm

For more information, contact:

Terresa Ann DeMong                                                            

Manager, Diefenbaker Canada Centre                                               

University of Saskatchewan                                                   

Tel: 306-966-8382                                                                  

Cell: 306-260-9566                                                                
