U of S hosts notable Indigenous scholars on topics of feminism and reconciliation

SASKATOON - The University of Saskatchewan (U of S) invites members of the media to attend two events featuring North America's foremost Indigenous scholars.

Audra Simpson, associate professor of anthropology at Columbia University, will present Reconciliation and its Discontents: Settler Governance in an Age of Sorrow:

Tuesday, March 15
Neatby-Timlin Theatre (Arts 241)
9 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan

Simpson will join Kim TallBear, associate professor in Faculty of Native Studies, University of Alberta, and Kim Anderson, lecturer of Indigenous studies at Wilfrid Laurier University, as a panel to explore the many facets of feminism, Indigeneity and decolonization. This discussion takes place:

Tuesday, March 15
Station 20 West
1120 - 20th Street West

The U of S Department of Indigenous Studies, the Department of Educational Foundations and the Aboriginal Education Research Center are sponsoring these events.


For more information, contact:
Sheelah McLean
Department of Educational Foundations
University of Saskatchewan