U of S launches mining facility to address environmental and reclamation strategies

SASKATOON - Media are invited to attend an open house for the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) Mine Overlay Site Testing (MOST) facility.

This new facility is designed to save time and money by mimicking the strain that is placed on mine covers in a small, controlled environment. Aimed at supporting industry research, MOST will improve cover design, mitigate risk, increase accuracy of environmental assessment and contribute to the development of reclamation strategies.

Live demonstrations and tours will be held throughout the open house:

Thursday, July 7
1 – 4 pm (formal event begins at 2 pm)
2101 108th Street (Just off Preston Avenue across from main U of S campus)

Event speakers include Karen Chad, U of S vice-president of research, and Jeffrey McDonnell, head of the MOST facility and associate director U of S Global Institute for Water Security.


For more information, contact:

Chris Morin
Communications Specialist
Global Institute for Water Security/School of Environment and Sustainability