U of S researcher presenting at United Nations climate change conference

SASKATOON – University of Saskatchewan (U of S) professor Greg Poelzer will present key findings on renewable energy at the United Nations Marrakech Climate Change Conference on Nov. 17 in Marrakech, Morocco.

Poelzer will present a report titled Developing renewable energy in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions and communities: Working recommendations of the Fulbright Arctic Initiative Energy Group. This report highlights Canada’s northern areas and the numerous opportunities for developing, leading and facilitating renewable energies such as solar and hydro on First Nations lands and waters.

“This is a tremendous opportunity to meet with other Indigenous communities that are facing similar opportunities and challenges, and I am proud to represent the U of S on matters such as climate change,” said Poelzer.

Poelzer, the founding director of International Centre for Northern Governance and Development at the U of S, as well as a professor in the School of Environment and Sustainability, is one of 17 scholars involved in the initiative and the lead of the energy sub-group.

“This is a chance to renew Indigenous relations in Canada through renewable energy,” he added.

The Fulbright Arctic Initiative, a program sponsored by the U.S. State Department, draws on the expertise of scholars from around the Arctic, including Canada, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, and the United States, to provide a set of recommendations to advance the deployment of renewable energy in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions.

“To find solutions to global issues such as climate change, there is a need to create an economy that creates wealth development using green energy,” said Poelzer.

During the Marrakech Climate Change Conference, nations around the world will continue their work on strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, with the central focus placed on enhancing ambition, promoting implementation and providing support.



For more information, please contact:
Jennifer Thoma
Media Relations Specialist
University of Saskatchewan