U of S researchers awarded $9.2 million from NSERC

Over the next five years, 57 University of Saskatchewan scientists will receive more than $9.2 million from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through their Discovery, Discovery Accelerator, and Research Tools and Instruments programs.

The new grant projects will investigate an array of research areas. Examples include how computer systems support behavioural change, from learning and living healthy lifestyles, safe work and leisure practices; to the causes of the decline of songbirds in North America some populations of which have dropped by 50 per cent.

Other examples include designing power grids so they can better incorporate greater levels of renewable energy such as wind power, and designing catalysts to produce biodiesel from low-quality, non-food vegetable oils.

A full listing of the grant recipients is available at the NSERC website.

The projects are part of more than $465 million for more than 4,000 grants awarded across the country announced June 23 by federal Minister of Science Kirsty Duncan at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.


For more information, contact:
Jennifer Thoma
Media Relations Specialist
University of Saskatchewan