U of S researchers examine Canadian philanthropy

SASKATOON – The University of Saskatchewan (U of S) invites members of the media to attend the launch of the most comprehensive report written on Canadian philanthropic giving to the developing world:


Monday, Dec. 12

10:30 a.m.

Social Sciences Research Laboratories, Arts Building Room 260

9 Campus Drive

University of Saskatchewan


Researchers at the U of S Social Sciences Research Laboratories studied the landscape of Canadian philanthropy over a one-year period, examining international aid from non-government sources including charities, universities, corporations and citizens. The result is a detailed report on the scale and structure of Canadian generosity, including significant findings on the role of faith-based organizations as sources of aid.


The authors of the report will give a brief presentation on their findings and will be available for interviews. Leaders of local faith-based organizations will also be present.





For more information, contact:

Jason Disano

Director, Social Sciences Research Laboratories

University of Saskatchewan




Chris Putnam

Communications Officer

College of Arts & Science

University of Saskatchewan

