U of S student group supports sobriety pledge

SASKATOON - Media are invited to attend the month-end celebration for the "Thinking About My Drinking" challenge at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S). Students pledged to stay sober from alcohol for one month.

Monday, Feb. 1, 4 pm
North Concourse, Place Riel
1 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan

(Parking is available in the STM parking lot, which is front of Place Riel)

Leading the Program (and available for interviews):

    • MC: Dania Aboukhodoud, student research coordinator for What's Your Cap?

    • Guest Speaker: Marlize Fourie; student volunteer for What's Your Cap?

    • Guest Speaker Patti McDougall, U of S vice-provost, teaching and learning.

    • Guest Speakers: Various students who took part in the challenge.


For more information, contact:
Dania Aboukhodoud
Research Co-ordinator
University of Saskatchewan

Rita Hanoski
Health Education and Promotion
Student Health Services
University of Saskatchewan