U of S students put hacking skills to use in cyber breach simulation

SASKATOON – University of Saskatchewan (U of S) students are playing the role of cyber criminals in a simulated cyber breach competition.

Members of the media are invited to meet the participants and event organizers.

Teams of four participants will attempt to outmaneuver the competition to crack into a simulated organization’s IT infrastructure to replicate a cyber breach situation. The event is a kick off to Cyber Security Awareness month, intended to increase the awareness of cybercrime and educate individuals and organizations around the world on how they can prevent becoming target of cybercrime.



Saturday, October 1

Room 3D67

Agriculture Building

51 Campus Drive

University of Saskatchewan


Participants and event organizers will be available for comment and interviews from 9:30 to 11:30 am.



For more information, please contact:

Jody Gress, Communications Specialist

Information and Communications Technology

University of Saskatchewan

306-715-4994 | jody.gress@usask.ca