U of S to hold Indigenous education conference

SASKATOON - Members of the media are invited to attend the opening ceremonies of the University of Saskatchewan's (U of S) Think Indigenous Education Conference.

Wednesday, March 16, 4-7 pm
Saskatoon Inn
2002 Airport Drive

The conference will open with a grand entry and welcoming remarks from U of S Chancellor Blaine Favel, Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Chief Bobby Cameron and Dean of the College of Education Michelle Prytula. The keynote presentation will be by Curtis Peeteetuce and Johanna Angus of the Gordon Tootoosis Nikaniwin Theatre.

The conference will offer educators from all backgrounds the opportunity to work together in the enhancement of Indigenous knowledge.

The full conference schedule is available at: http://thinkindigenous.usask.ca/schedule.php#content


For more information, contact:
Mika Lafond
Instructor, Indian Teacher Education Program
University of Saskatchewan