U of S to host Great War antiques roadshow

SASKATOON - Members of the media are invited to attend a University of Saskatchewan (U of S) Great War Antiques Road Show, in co-operation with Parks Canada. Saskatoon-area residents are encouraged to bring any Great War memorabilia to the event for assessment by Parks Canada military curator Grant Tyler.

Saturday, August 6
1-4 pm
Convocation Hall, Peter MacKinnon Building
107 Administration Place
University of Saskatchewan 

This event is one of series of activities sponsored by the university Great War Commemoration Committee during the centennial of the war, 2014-2018. The committee is pleased to partner with Parks Canada for this special event.

Families are encouraged to share their connections to the Great War. Everyone is welcome, including those who are interested in seeing what memorabilia is brought forward for assessment.


For more information about the event, contact:

Bill Waiser, Chair
U of S Great War Commemoration Committee

Audra Norek
Cultural Resource Management
Saskatchewan South Field Unit
Parks Canada