University of Saskatchewan students hope to raise awareness about the dangers of alcohol

What’s Your Cap student group hosts Miss USA 2006 for Recovery Day

SASKATOON – University of Saskatchewan (U of S) students are working to raise awareness on the impact of advertising by the alcohol industry to the young, female market. The campaign kicks-off with the celebration of Recovery Day and Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006, sharing insights from her journey to sobriety at the Addiction Resource Fair on the U of S campus.

Recovery Day is a nationwide event that aims to build awareness, challenge stigma and celebrate the role that recovery from addiction plays in improving individual lives and the communities they live in.

Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016

10 am

North Concourse, Upper Place Riel

1 Campus Drive

University of Saskatchewan


“It’s important for young women to equip themselves with the knowledge to make informed decisions about alcohol use,” said Marlize Fourier, What’s Your Cap’s student co-ordinator. “Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines offer safer drinking tips for those who do decide to drink. The guidelines state that women should not exceed two drinks per day, and more than three drinks per day for men.”

Partnering with the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute and the National Roundtable on Girls, Women and Alcohol, an educational infographic is also being released to engage students in conversations about their alcohol use and help them make informed decisions. The infographic focuses the alcohol industry’s influence on young women’s drinking. Women are being targeted by the industry through glamorized images that present alcohol as harmless and desirable.



What’s Your Cap is a student-run, research-based initiative at the University of Saskatchewan campus. The aim is to raise knowledge of the risks involved with the over consumption of alcohol and promote a culture of moderation on campus.

The National Roundtable on Girls, Women and Alcohol is a bi-annual event, hosted by Ann Dowsett Johnston, which addresses the increase in risky drinking among females in developed countries and the need for specific public health prevention and intervention efforts.

The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute’s mission is to help reduce the occurrence of disabling conditions in children by providing evidence-based information to Saskatchewan service providers, families and communities.


For more information, contact:

Rita Hanoski

Health Education and Promotion Co-ordinator

Student Health Services

University of Saskatchewan



Colleen Anne Dell

Professor and Research Chair in One Health and Wellness

Department of Sociology

University of Saskatchewan
