Wednesday at U of S Spring Convocation

SASKATOON - The University of Saskatchewan (U of S) invites members of the media to cover tomorrow's Spring Convocation ceremonies:

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

TCU Place

35 22nd Street East


 Wednesday, June 1—9 am

Graduating: Edwards School of Business, and College of Law

Honorary Doctor of Laws: Keith Martell

As the chief executive officer of Canada's first independent Aboriginal bank, Keith Martell understands precisely how education creates opportunity. A member of Saskatchewan's Waterhen Lake First Nation and a graduate of the U of S commerce program, Martell went on to become one of the founders of the First Nations Bank of Canada, which now boasts close to half a billion dollars in assets and is controlled by 80 per cent Aboriginal ownership.

Student story of interest: Krista Loewen

A member of the Dean's Honour Roll for three straight years, Edwards School of Business student Krista Loewen is graduating with great distinction and a remarkable 93.05 per cent cumulative grade point average in the Bachelor of Commerce program. Loewen is this year's winner of the Goodspeed Award, given to the top student in the BComm program, and will also receive the Chartered Professional Accountants of Saskatchewan prize as the top accounting graduate who is articling in Saskatchewan upon graduation. Loewen, whose grades included perfect marks of 100 per cent in five different classes (including Math 121) during her four years at the U of S, will start working full-time in the fall with the Saskatoon-based accounting firm of Buckberger Baerg & Partners LLP.

Wednesday, June 1—2 pm

Graduating: Education

 Honorary Doctor of Laws: Raymond E. Ahenakew

Raymond Ahenakew has spent a lifetime breaking down barriers while working in both the public and private sector to build business opportunities and to improve the lives of First Nations people. Ahenakew, the former president of the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies, led the Meadow Lake Tribal Council team that pioneered self-government negotiations with the federal government. Ahenakew, a member of Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation, was a recipient of the prestigious Saskatchewan Order of Merit and was named one of the province's most influential people by Sask Business magazine.

President's Service Award: Candace Wasacase-Lafferty

As director of Aboriginal initiatives, Candace Wasacase-Lafferty simply works to make the U of S the best place it can be for Aboriginal people and their communities. Since arriving at the university 15 years ago, she has been a dedicated team player, a role model for her colleagues, a strong leader and an advocate for students. Her knowledge of Aboriginal communities, people and priorities are keys to the university's success.

 Award for Distinction in Community-Engaged Teaching and Scholarship: Vivian Ramsden

Vivian Ramsden's background spans both critical care in acute care settings and primary health care in urban, rural, First Nations and international communities. The majority of her research projects are community based and in every abstract, publication and grant proposal, Ramsden strives for inclusivity and community voice. Elders, community members, students and support staff routinely participate in her research and are cited as authors at every opportunity. Her colleagues, students and community partners all note her consistency of practice, her ethics, her willingness to mentor, and the profound respect the scholarly community and public have for her work and character.

Student story of interest: Anton Siaotong

The 45-year-old international student from the Philippines will graduate with his third degree overall, and second from the U of S, when he is awarded a Bachelor of Education in the afternoon convocation ceremony. A former U of S Dean's Scholarship researcher, Siaotong earned an impressive 86.08 per cent cumulative grade point average in his education courses. He previously earned a Bachelor of Science in the Philippines, a Master of Science at the U of S and also pursued a PhD here before realizing his true calling was in the classroom teaching elementary and high school students.

To media who plan to attend convocation:

    • Photographers may take photos from anywhere—except on the stage once the ceremonies begin.

    • Reserved space for media is located on the second floor to the left of the stage (all other seats are reserved for the graduating students and their guests).

    • The route graduates use as they proceed to the stage must be kept clear.



For more information, contact:
Jennifer Thoma
Media Relations Specialist
University of Saskatchewan