Youth get a kickstart on Aboriginal entrepreneurship at the U of S

SASKATOON - Aboriginal high school students from across the province are coming together for workshops, creative problem solving, teamwork and a pitch party to strengthen their entrepreneurial spirit.

All of these activities are part of the Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneurship Program (AYEP), which aims to give Aboriginal students opportunities to develop the values, traits and skills associated with successful entrepreneurs.

It is the vision of former Prime Minister Paul Martin to improve elementary and secondary school education outcomes for Aboriginal Canadians. By receiving Grade 11 and Grade 12 AYEP secondary school credits, the program moves students closer to high school completion and the opportunity to go on to post-secondary studies.

Friday, May 27
10 am
Edwards School of Business
25 Campus Drive

Students participating in the program and organizers are available for media interviews Friday morning at the Edwards School of Business.


For more information, contact:

Natasha Katchuk
Communications Officer
Edwards School of Business
University of Saskatchewan