Conference highlights the role of nursing in the criminal justice system

SASKATOON - The University of Saskatchewan (U of S) College of Nursing invites members of the media to the Custody and Caring International Conference on the Nurse’s Role in the Criminal Justice System.

A collaboration between the College of Nursing and Correctional Service Canada, the forum brings together around 140 participants to highlight innovations in practice, education, research and policy development in the field of forensic mental health and correctional health care in Canada and throughout the world.

     Keynote Presenter: Theo Fleury
Wednesday, Oct. 4, 1 pm
Delta Bessborough Hotel
601 Spadina Crescent East

 Keynote Presenter: John Kastner
Thursday, Oct. 5, 1 pm 
Delta Bessborough Hotel
601 Spadina Crescent East

Theo Fleury and John Kastner will be available for interviews directly following their respective presentations.

The conference includes five keynote sessions, including former NHL All-Star, Stanley Cup winner, Olympic gold medalist, and two-time bestselling author Theo Fleury and four-time Emmy Award winner John Kastner, one of Canada’s most acclaimed documentary-makers.

“Bringing together a group of like-minded individuals to talk about clinical concerns and work-life issues unique to nurses, health-care professionals and other professionals working within forensic mental health and correctional environments is a real honour,” said conference chairperson Cindy Peternelj-Taylor. “It’s a specialized group of professionals who practice at the interface of the health and criminal justice systems. No one understands the daily challenges unique to their roles, the clientele they work with and the environments in which they practice, than the professionals themselves. Giving them an opportunity to come together in one room and learn from one another is of utmost importance to ensure best practices are promoted.”

For the complete conference agenda, please visit

Arrangements can be made to attend additional sessions by contacting Selene Daniel-Whyte at 306-966-8365 or    


For more information, contact:
Kylie Kelso
Marketing and Communications Specialist
College of Nursing
University of Saskatchewan