Internationally renowned scholar on resource development and Indigenous peoples to speak at College of Law

SASKATOON – As part of the McKercher Lecture Series at the University of Saskatchewan’s (U of S) College of Law, members of the media are invited to attend Negotiated Agreements and Indigenous Peoples: Opportunities and Challenges with Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh, of Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia.

Friday, Oct. 13
noon to 1pm
MLT AIKINS Lecture Theatre (Room 150)
College of Law
15 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan

O’Faircheallaigh is one of the world’s leading scholars on Indigenous-industry agreements. His research focuses on the interactions of large resource corporations with governments and communities, particularly Indigenous communities. For over 25 years, he has worked with Indigenous organizations and communities in Australia, Canada, and Papua New Guinea, on negotiation of agreements with mining and oil and gas companies.

The lecture coincides with a workshop, The Law and Politics of Indigenous-Industry Agreements, hosted at the College of Law on Oct. 13-14.

“Benefit-sharing agreements between Indigenous communities and industry have become very common,” said Dwight Newman, College of Law professor and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Rights in Constitutional and International Law. “In Canada’s mining sector alone, there are hundreds of examples, and there are many issues to talk about on these agreements to understand various legal and political questions that arise.”

The lecture is free and open to the public. O’Faircheallaigh will be available for interviews following his presentation.

The McKercher Lecture Series at the College of Law brings a wide range of informative and entertaining speakers to enlighten and engage with the U of S community and beyond. The fall line up of events can be found by visiting McKercher LLP Lecture Series


For more information, contact:

Cat Bonner
Communications Officer
University of Saskatchewan College of Law
