Pain management and addiction focus of health-care conference

SASKATOON – The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan and the Health Science Continuing Education Group of the University of Saskatchewan are co-hosting the Current Options for Managing Pain and Addiction conference starting on Oct. 27.

Oct. 27-28
Sheraton Cavalier Saskatoon Hotel
612 Spadina Crescent East

The forum for health-care providers, policy-makers and administrators will feature discussions about safe management of complex pain and substance use disorders. The recent rise in opioid-related deaths and hospitalizations in Canada, and growing prevalence of complex pain in our population, means clinicians must develop new skills to help prevent and manage these challenging conditions.

Canada’s New Opioid Guidelines and A Call to Action for Managing Chronic Pain in Saskatchewan are just two of the sessions scheduled in the conference. The full conference agenda is available at:


For more information, please contact:
Dr. Susan Tupper
Strategy Consultant, Pain Quality Improvement and Research
Saskatoon Health Region
Cell. 306-715-8315


Julia Bareham
Pharmacist Manager, Prescription Review Program
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan