U of S, Diefenbaker Canada Centre opens historic Little Stone Schoolhouse for public event

SASKATOON—For one week in August, school is back in session.

Celebrate Canada 150 and Saskatchewan Day by exploring the Little Stone Schoolhouse on the U of S campus. Diefenbaker Canada Centre docents in period costume will welcome visitors from Saskatoon and surrounding area to this Municipal and Provincial Heritage Property—which marks its 130th anniversary in 2017.


August 5–11
11 am–2 pm daily
Little Stone Schoolhouse, beside St. Andrew’s College 
(across from the old Royal University Hospital entrance)


Visitors will learn how the school came to be located on the university campus, what a typical day was like for students in the late 1800s and how education has evolved over the last century. The Little Stone Schoolhouse is filled with artifacts, many that visitors can interact with, providing an in-depth look at the lives of Saskatchewan pioneers.

Limited metered parking is available in front of the schoolhouse, and parking is free on Sundays.


For more information, contact:

Terresa Ann DeMong
Manager, Diefenbaker Canada Centre
University of Saskatchewan
Tel: 306-966-8382
Cell: 306-260-9566
Email: terresa.demong@usask.ca