U of S experts and Halloween 2017

Halloween is coming and the University of Saskatchewan has faculty members who can add expertise to your holiday stories.

  • Gordon Zello, a professor in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, can discuss desirable healthy treats to hand out at Halloween, as well as tips for parents whose children want to binge on all their goodies. Jennifer.thoma@usask.ca or 306-966-1851.

  • Canadian consumers are spending big money on Halloween and Stormy Williams, a professor in the Edwards School of Business, can explain what has become the culture of Halloween. david.williams@usask.ca or 06-966-8423.

  • Just by walking in a store, it is easy to see that boys have a lot of Halloween costume options this year, ranging from scary to funny and from nerdy to powerful. Girls' costumes, on the other hand, are limited in variety and seem to feature the same, sleeveless, fitted bodice and a shorter skirt. Faculty members in Women's and Gender Studies can comment on if this is this a trend or the sign of something more troubling with our society? jennifer.thoma@usask.ca or 306-966-1851.

  • Professor Frank Klassen can talk about society’s interest in the supernatural, as well as magic, possession and witchcraft as they relate to religion. jennifer.thoma@usask.ca or 306-966-1851.

  • Those bite-size treats can add up to a scary number of calories. Jason Weber, co-ordinator of the Human Performance Center in the College of Kinesiology, has some suggestions on exercises that might make you think twice about how many mini treats you consume. jason.weber@usask.ca


For more information, contact:

Jennifer Thoma
Media Relations Specialist
University of Saskatchewan