U of S shares designs for the School of Architecture and Visual Arts

SASKATOON—Members of the media are invited to attend a reception and exhibit of drawings and models by architecture students illustrating, speculative designs for a new University of Saskatchewan School of Architecture and Visual Arts.

For a senior undergraduate architecture studio course at Ryerson University, students were asked to imagine our architectural future by considering the place where one learns what it is to be an architect, and by developing bold visions for how the John Deere Plow Building in Saskatoon might be put to use for a new School of Architecture and Visual Art.

Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017
3 – 6pm
Gordon Snelgrove Gallery
Room 191 Murray Building
3 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan


The John Deere Plow Co. building, a 107-year-old, four-storey historic downtown warehouse, was given to the University of Saskatchewan in 2010 for the School of Architecture and Visual Arts.



For more information, contact:

Jennifer Thoma
Media Relations Specialist
University of Saskatchewan