University of Saskatchewan launches Respiratory Research Centre

SASKATOON—With a mandate of improving the quality of life for all Canadians, a new research centre specializing in respiratory health officially launched today at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S).

The Respiratory Research Centre (RRC) is a new interdisciplinary and intersectoral initiative that will foster innovative respiratory research throughout the health sciences.

“We take breathing and our respiratory health for granted, but respiratory illness is a big concern,” said Donna Goodridge, director of the RRC and a professor in the College of Medicine’s Division of Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine.

“Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the number one chronic medical condition leading to hospitalization in Canada, and lung cancer kills more people than breast, ovarian, colon and prostate cancers combined. This is a significant area of health care and we need a respiratory research strategy that allows us to learn more about lung disease, boldly intended to reduce risk, discover cures, save lives, and improve the quality of life for all Canadians.”

Housed within the College of Medicine, the RRC encompasses interdisciplinary research collaborations from across campus—including medicine, pharmacy and nutrition, veterinary medicine, nursing, kinesiology, arts and science, agriculture, engineering, public health, public policy, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac ) and the Canadian Light Source.

The centre will also work with external partners, such as the Health Quality Council, the Lung Association of Saskatchewan, and the Saskatoon Health Region to build on existing respiratory research expertise and provide opportunity for new direction and discovery.  

“This is a great example of how interdisciplinary collaboration and partnerships can advance health research to benefit the people of Saskatchewan and beyond,” said Karen Chad, U of S vice-president of research.

“This exciting new research centre builds on initiatives currently underway within One Health, a signature research area at the U of S which provides health solutions at the animal-human-environment interface. It will enable our graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to become leading experts and health care professionals in this critical area of respiratory health.”




For more information, contact:

Donna Goodridge
College of Medicine
University of Saskatchewan