Expert to speak at the U of S on jury reform in Canada

SASKATOON - Members of the media are invited to attend Jury Reform in Canada, with professor Kent Roach, and Prichard Wilson Chair in Law and Public Policy at the University of Toronto.

Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018
1 pm
MLT AIKINS Lecture Theatre
College of Law
15 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan


The verdict in the recent Gerald Stanley trial has raised questions about the use of juries in criminal proceedings, in particular the process of excluding potential jurors and the representation of Indigenous peoples on juries. Is it time for change, or abolition of juries in Canada? Roach will discuss jury selection issues, including the use of peremptory challenges, challenge for cause, and challenging the jury panel.

One of Canada’s leading criminal law scholars, Roach has worked with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on its legacy volume, and represented Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto in jury selection. His research expertise spans comparative constitutional law, criminal procedure and evidence, and judicial decision-making.


Roach will be available for interviews following the event.


Presented by the McKercher Series at the College of Law, which brings a range of guest speakers to enlighten and engage the U of S community and beyond, this event is free and open to the public. The lecture poster can be found here.




For more information, contact:

Cat Bonner
Communications Officer
College of Law
University of Saskatchewan 
