Romanow to speak at Indigenous student achievement ceremony

Members of the media are invited to the University of Saskatchewan's (U of S) Indigenous student achievement awards ceremony. These prestigious awards will be presented to 44 students from 12 colleges and three student groups.

Thursday, Feb. 8, 2:30 - 4 pm
Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre
5 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan

Awards will be presented to Indigenous students who have either excelled in their studies, undertaken unique or compelling research, made significant contributions to the community, or demonstrated exemplary leadership. Recipients receive an award certificate and an eagle feather pin.



Welcoming remarks from Candace Wasacase-Lafferty
Elders Louise Halfe and Norman Fluery will provide traditional welcome and prayer (no photography please)
Chancellor Roy Romanow’s address to student award recipients
Vice-Provost of Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Patti McDougall
Vice-Provost of Indigenous Engagement Jacqueline Ottmann video address
Student achievement award winner Rollin Baldhead to play honour song
Group photo of award winners with Chancellor Romanow




For more information, contact:

John Shelling
Communications and Publications Specialist
University of Saskatchewan