U of S signs MOU in Kahkewistahaw First Nation for Indian Teacher Education Program

New Agreement between U of S College of Education, ITEP and Kahkewistahaw First Nation.

SASKATOON – On Friday, July 13, the University of Saskatchewan’s (U of S) College of Education, Indian Teacher Education Program (ITEP) and Kahkewistahaw First Nation will sign a MOU at the Kahkewistahaw Powwow celebrations. 

With this new agreement, ITEP will offer a four-year Bachelor of Education degree program in the community. This will provide post-secondary training for Kahkewistahaw members and members of surrounding communities.  

The U of S has been offering ITEP community-based programs since 1974. With over 40 years of community experience, the program has been a trailblazer in the field of First Nation community-based teacher education. 

For more information, contact:

Mika Lafond
Indian Teacher Education Program
College of Education
University of Saskatchewan