University of Saskatchewan prepares to welcome new students to campus

SASKATOON–Media are invited to Orientation, the University of Saskatchewan’s (U of S) official welcome for new students. More than 3,100 new students have registered to attend, the largest number to sign-up for Orientation to date.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018
 9 am – 3 pm 
 Across the Saskatoon campus

 This year’s highlights and photo opportunities include:

  • At noon in the Physical Activity Complex (PAC), U of S Chancellor Roy Romanow will lead new students in a pledge, taken from the university’s mission, vision and values statement. Students will agree to encourage creativity, live sustainably, build connections, value diversity and seek reconciliation. 
  • A light show, balloon drop, streamer cannons, the university’s mascot Howler, and the U of S Cheer Team will help new students start their adventure here—at around 12:20 pm in the PAC.
  • Alana Pancyr, a U of S graduate and accomplished actor from the Handmaid’s Talewill address the students on behalf of the Alumni Association. 
  • Saskatoon band Bombargo will play a free concert sponsored by SaskTel—at 1:30 pm in the Bowl.
  • Other features: Photo booth, inflatable obstacle course, games, prizes and free stuff.

The full orientation schedule can be found here.


For more information, contact:

Meghan Sired
Communications Co-ordinator
University of Saskatchewan
Office: 306-966-6068
Cell: 306-381-7992