USask College of Law to launch fourth annual Saskatchewan Access to Justice Week

SASKATOON — Together with more than a dozen organizations and community groups, CREATE Justice and the College of Law at the University of Saskatchewan (Usask) have planned workshops, lectures and other public events to celebrate the fourth annual Saskatchewan Access to Justice Week from Oct. 20 to 25.

Brea Lowenberger, co-ordinator of the week and director of CREATE Justice at USask’s College of Law, said legal coaching and a free legal resources tradeshow for the public will be the central events during this year’s Saskatchewan Access to Justice Week.

“We’re excited to officially kick off the week with a free legal resources fair and tradeshow on Oct. 20,” said Lowenberger. “This full-day event in Saskatoon will offer the public an opportunity to receive free legal information, meet with a volunteer lawyer to discuss family law issues or attend presentations on a number of legal matters, including court processes, mediation and child support recalculations.”

Lawyers and members of the public will also have opportunities to learn more about the benefits of legal coaching—a situation in which a lawyer works with their client behind-the-scenes.

“One of the exciting aspects with legal coaching and unbundling is the notion of legal empowerment,” said Lowenberger. “When lawyers have a client who is either taking on certain parts of their case or they’re more involved in the process and outcome, research shows clients are more satisfied with the service that they receive and their outcome.”

New to Access to Justice Week this year, Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan will offer free legal clinics in various locations throughout the province. The week will also feature three free public lectures, including the Saskatchewan Law Review lecture by The Honourable Justice Russell Brown of the Supreme Court of Canada on Oct. 21 at the College of Law as part of the McKercher Lecture Series.

Visit the Access to Justice Week webpage for more info and join the conversation by using the hashtag #SKA2J2019.




For more information, contact:

Brea Lowenberger
Director of CREATE Justice, and Access to Justice Co-ordinator
College of Law
University of Saskatchewan