Dr. Volker Gerdts to speak on COVID-19 vaccine work at VIDO-InterVac Community-Liaison meeting
SASKATOON – The general public along with members of the media are invited to attend the online VIDO-InterVac Community Liaison Committee (CLC) biennial community meeting on Nov.12, 2020.
Chaired by CLC chair Susan Lamb, the event will feature Dr. Volker Gerdts, director of the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization–International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac) at the University of Saskatchewan (USask), discussing COVID-19 vaccine development.
A world leader in infectious disease research and vaccine development for humans and animals, USask’s VIDO-InterVac is a state-of-the-art biocontainment facility where scientists are on the front lines of the global effort to develop a vaccine against COVID-19.
Founded by USask to serve as an independent organization, the CLC is comprised of community leaders who work to ensure full and open communication on safety issues related to the facility as it strives to represent best practices for containment facilities worldwide. The CLC provides information to the public regarding safety and security at the facility, helping to create and maintain an atmosphere of trust, confidence, and transparency with the public.
Event details:
What: VIDO-InterVac Community Liaison Virtual Public Meeting
Where: Online
When: Thursday, Nov. 12, 7 pm CST (Saskatchewan time)
Those interested can register through Eventbrite or through the CLC web page: https://intervacclc.ca
Attendees can submit questions prior to and during the event at: intervacclc@usask.ca.
For more information contact:
Susan Lamb
Victoria Dinh
USask Media Relations
Trenna Brusky
VIDO-InterVac Communications