New Bloomberg terminals at USask aid remote learning amidst COVID-19 pandemic
Students will get hands-on experience with real-time data using financial terminals gifted by alumnus Gordon Rawlinson.
SASKATOON – The University of Saskatchewan’s (USask) Edwards School of Business has unveiled 16 state-of-the-art Bloomberg terminals in the new Gordon Rawlinson Finance and Trading Room, located behind a glass wall in the front lobby.
Bloomberg is the top information platform used by businesses, financial institutions, and government agencies around the world. The software can report on everything from stocks and bonds to general news.
“The new room gives me access to student interaction and experience with different investments,” said Aubrey-Anne Laliberte-Pewapisconias, a fourth-year Edwards finance student. “I’m proud to be an Edwards student because the opportunities unlocked here will aid me as a future finance professional.”
Additionally, the at-home learning capabilities of the software offered by the new terminals have ensured that students could continue to access resources and data as part of their finance studies amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing for real-world investment experience from various locations.
“The Gordon Rawlinson Finance and Trading Room demonstrates our commitment to developing business professionals to build nations,” said Dr. Keith Willoughby (PhD), dean of the Edwards School of Business.
The Bloomberg financial terminals were made possible by a generous gift from alumnus Gordon Rawlinson (BComm, 1968).
“I am pleased that Edwards students will have access to industry specific finance and research tools to develop the skills they need for their careers,” said Rawlinson.
Media are invited to attend a virtual tour of the new classroom from this link. Media are also invited to use video clips of the lab from this link.
Dr. Keith Willoughby (PhD) will be available for telephone interviews on Friday, Nov. 13.
For more information, please contact:
Natasha Katchuk
Senior Communications Officer
Edwards School of Business
University of Saskatchewan