USask celebrates 50 years of the Indian Teacher Education Program

SASKATOON – Media are invited to join the University of Saskatchewan (USask) as the Indian Teacher Education Program (ITEP) marks its 50th anniversary with a Culture, Language, Traditional Teaching and Learning Gathering. 

Event details: Date: Friday, July 7, 2023 Time: 9:30 am – 5 pm   Location: Education Building, 28 Campus Drive, University of Saskatchewan campus 

ITEP was founded to reconnect First Nations educators to their language, traditions and culture and increase the number of Indigenous teachers in Saskatchewan and throughout Canada. This event showcases traditional teachings from various Indigenous artisans and cultural practitioners and highlights the teachings that ITEP students receive throughout the completion of their Bachelor of Education degree. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the background and significance of these teachings as well as practice their taught skill. 

Sessions will take place in three time slots and will be facilitated by Elders, Knowledge Keepers and teachers from various First Nations of Saskatchewan, including ITEP alumni. 

Event Agenda

9:30 am - Opening Ceremony Education Student Lounge 

10 am – Session and Facilitator 
  • Jigging with Desiree MacAulay 
  • Protocol Teachings with Elizabeth Ahenakew 
  • Tipi Teachings with Jasmyn Albert 
  • Colonialism on Canvas: A Two-Spirit Perspective with Jennifer Lenny 
  • Birch Bark Biting with Rosella Carney (note: this session runs from 10 - 11:45 am) 
11:30 am 
  • Learning Cree Through Song with Alexis McLeod 
  • Grandfather Tree Teachings with Sharon Meyer 
  • Dene Drum Teachings with Allan Adams 
  • Storytelling with Mika Lafond 
12:30 - 1:30 pm: Break for Lunch  
1:30 pm 
  • Moose Hair Tufting Rosella Carney (note: this session runs from 1 - 3 pm) 
  • Mini Birch Bark Baskets with Lyndon Linklater 
  • USask Honor Song Story and Teaching with Harvey Thunderchild 
  • Medicine Teachings with Mary Morin 
  • Métis dancing with Modeste Mckenzie 
3 pm Closing Prayer and Song 
3:30 pm ITEP 50th BBQ at the Education Building 


For media inquiries, contact:  Meagan Hinther Manager, Communications and External Relations College of Education University of Saskatchewan 306-222-2296