College of Pharmacy and Nutrition renews partnership with Apotex

The University of Saskatchewan and Apotex Inc. have renewed their partnership with a $1.6 million donation to the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition.

By Kieran Kobitz

“This funding is a game changer for us and will help the college continue to be one of the best programs in the country,” said Kishor Wasan, dean of the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. 

The partnership was established when Dennis Gorecki, currently professor emeritus, was dean of the college. During that time, support from Apotex helped Gorecki establish important initiatives in the college—the most notable being the Apotex Pharmacy Professional Practice Centre. The facility provides a state-of-the-art practice skills and simulation laboratory for students in every year of the undergraduate pharmacy program. The original practice centre was created in the Thorvaldson Building and was supported by a $1.5 million donation from Apotex in 2008. With the recent relocation of the college to the expanded Health Sciences Building, the practice centre moved to its new home in the E-Wing of the building in 2013.

Read more at the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition.