University of Saskatchewan celebrates Pride

The University of Saskatchewan is displaying Pride symbols across campus as part of the week-long celebrations in the city.

By University Communications
In addition to raising the Pride flag atop the Thorvaldson Building, the Peter MacKinnon Building is being lit up with Pride colours in the evenings.

In celebration of the 25th year for the Pride festival in Saskatoon, the Pride Parade will take place this Saturday at 1 pm, with U of S senior leaders and staff scheduled to take part.

“June is Pride month—a wonderful opportunity to show our commitment to a positive, diverse and inclusive community,” said U of S President Peter Stoicheff.

“I invite you and all faculty, staff and students to walk with me in the Saskatoon Pride Parade. We will meet beginning at 12 noon at the marshalling area beneath the downtown side of the University Bridge.”

The university has a variety of committees, policies, practices and centres that contribute to an inclusive learning and work environment, and colleges and administrative areas are encouraged to consider taking place in other Pride initiatives.