USask statement on provincial budget

Today the Government of Saskatchewan announced its 2022-23 budget, which confirmed the province’s continued commitment to deliver on a multi-year funding agreement to support shared priorities and support financial sustainability.

The multi-year funding commitment provides incremental investment to support COVID-19 recovery, revenue generation, sector collaboration and achieving strategic initiatives outlined in the Growth Plan. 

Over the next few days, an in-depth review of the budget will be conducted to determine the full impacts to the university. University of Saskatchewan (USask) President and Vice-chancellor Peter Stoicheff said he is initially encouraged. 

“This is the second year the government has delivered on a multi-year funding commitment to support shared priorities and support financial sustainability,” said Stoicheff. “This commitment enhances our ability to forecast and plan, and elevates opportunities for improved financial predictability and supporting the government’s growth plan. The University of Saskatchewan plays a key role in building a stronger Saskatchewan.”  

“We are pleased with the government’s additional support of nursing education that will ensure communities throughout the province have access to the most qualified health-care practitioners,” said USask Provost Airini. “The additional support announced today will enable USask to educate more nurses, hire more faculty and instructors, and have more registered nurses in practice within three years and beyond. By working with government partners, we can achieve an exceptional student experience, and an optimal environment for nursing faculty leading teaching and research. Together we are widening access and setting the standard for nursing education.”

The announced funding also demonstrates the Government of Saskatchewan’s recognition of the value USask provides to the province, and the positive impacts of the graduates and the ground-breaking research taking place here, Stoicheff added 

“The past two years of the pandemic have been challenging for our institution, as with all universities, and we are very grateful for the government’s support in uncertain times,” Stoicheff said. “The University of Saskatchewan and the Government of Saskatchewan continue to show how a shared focus on teaching, learning and research can benefit the people of our province.” 

The 2022-23 budget is available online at