Huskie Athletics wrestler and USask student Bohdan Titorenko is fundraising to bring his family to safety in Canada. (Photo: Submitted)
Huskie Athletics wrestler and USask student Bohdan Titorenko is fundraising to bring his family to safety in Canada. (Photo: Submitted)

Ukrainian USask student reunites with family fleeing war

Reuniting with his family fleeing the war in Ukraine is a moment University of Saskatchewan (USask) student Bohdan Titorenko has been waiting for over a month and will never forget.

By University Communications

As reported by CTV Saskatoon in a recent story, on the morning of Saturday, April 9, Titorenko’s younger brother, sister and mother landed at the Saskatoon airport and were welcomed with blue and yellow flowers from their oldest sibling.

Titorenko says he couldn’t hardly contain his excitement.

"When I was standing there I was thinking 'where are they? Where are they?' but I think 'okay I waited one month and more, but I will wait five minutes more,'" Titorenko said at the airport to CTV.

The first-year member of the Huskie Athletics wrestling team had been raising money to bring his family to safety in Canada. While his father remains on the front lines overseas, Titorenko set up a GoFundMe page and was able to raise $15,000 to help bring his family to Canada. Huskie Athletics helped to support the family by holding a Wrestle For Ukraine fundraising clinic at USask to help pay for legal and travel costs.

“People are supporting. I am thankful,” said Titorenko, who arrived in Canada on Nov. 27 and is wrestling for the Huskies and studying business administration on scholarship at USask. 

Read more on this story from CTV Saskatoon. 

Read more on this story from CBC Saskatoon.